SIA Controltech opens a production facilities in Cēsis (Nov 15 2021)
SIA Controltech is pleased to announce the opening of a second production location in Latvia! Our new facility is located in Cēsis town, on Robežu iela 8-8.
This new location will enable us to increase our production capacity up to 40%.
This new location will enable us to increase our production capacity up to 40%.
ALIHANKINTA 2015 fair September 15-17, 2015
We presented our Outsourcing Solutions at ALIHANKINTA 2015 fair in Tampere, Finland.
Participation in the fair is part of the project "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2015" (L-ĀTA-15-3299) signed with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
Participation in the fair is part of the project "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2015" (L-ĀTA-15-3299) signed with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
Feb 23-27, 2015
We presented our Outsourcing Solutions to 6 potential partners during our individual trade visit around Finland.
This individual trade visit is part of the project "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2015" (L-ĀTA-15-3299) signed with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
We presented our Outsourcing Solutions to 6 potential partners during our individual trade visit around Finland.
This individual trade visit is part of the project "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2015" (L-ĀTA-15-3299) signed with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
Trade Mission to "Midest 2014" November November 3-7, 2014
Trade Mission to “Offshore Technology Days 2014” October 13-16, 2014
SIA Controltech participates in Trade Mission to “Offshore Technology Days” in Bergen (Norway) between October 13-16.
Event is organized by LIAA and participation in the trade mission is part of the project "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2014" (L-ĀTA-15-2641) signed withLIAA and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
Event is organized by LIAA and participation in the trade mission is part of the project "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2014" (L-ĀTA-15-2641) signed withLIAA and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
ALIHANKINTA 2014 fair September 16-18, 2014
We will present our Outsourcing Solutions at ALIHANKINTA 2014 fair in Tampere, Finland.
Participation in the fair is part of the project "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2014" (L-ĀTA-15-2641) signed with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
Participation in the fair is part of the project "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2014" (L-ĀTA-15-2641) signed with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
SIA Controltech joins E&E Cluster!
SIA „CONTROLTECH” sadarbībā ar biedrību „Latvijas Elektrotehnikas un elektronikas rūpniecības asociācija” (LETERA) piedalās Eiropas Savienības fonda projektā „Latvijas Elektronikas un elektrotehnikas nozares klasteris” (projekta Nr. KAP/
Projekts tiek īstenots darbības programmas „Uzņēmējdarbība un inovācijas” papildinājuma aktivitātes „Klasteru programma” ietvaros, ievērojot 2012.gada 12.septembra Līgumu par projekta īstenošanu Nr. L-KAP-12-0002, kas noslēgts starp LETERA un valsts aģentūru „Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra”.
Projekta norises laiks: 2012.–2015.gads.
Projekts tiek īstenots darbības programmas „Uzņēmējdarbība un inovācijas” papildinājuma aktivitātes „Klasteru programma” ietvaros, ievērojot 2012.gada 12.septembra Līgumu par projekta īstenošanu Nr. L-KAP-12-0002, kas noslēgts starp LETERA un valsts aģentūru „Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra”.
Projekta norises laiks: 2012.–2015.gads.
November 12-15, 2013
We presented our Outsourcing Solutions at ELMIA fair in Sweden.
Participation in the fair is part of the projects PAK-LIAA-2013/328 and "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2013" (L-ĀTA-13-1769) signed with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
We presented our Outsourcing Solutions at ELMIA fair in Sweden.
Participation in the fair is part of the projects PAK-LIAA-2013/328 and "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2013" (L-ĀTA-13-1769) signed with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
September 24-26, 2013
We presented our Outsourcing Solutions at ALIHANKINTA 2013 fair in Tampere, Finland.
Participation in the fair is part of the project "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2013" (L-ĀTA-13-1769) signed with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
We presented our Outsourcing Solutions at ALIHANKINTA 2013 fair in Tampere, Finland.
Participation in the fair is part of the project "Controltech ĀTA aktivitātē 2013" (L-ĀTA-13-1769) signed with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
May 21-24, 2013
SIA „Controltech ” sadarbībā ar Biedrību „Latvijas Elektrotehnikas un elektronikas rūpniecības asociācija” (LEtERA) piedalās Eiropas Savienības fonda atbalsta projektā „Partnerībā organizētās apmācības elektronikas, elektrotehnikas un telekomunikācijas nozares uzņēmumu darbaspēka kvalifikācijas celšanai un konkurētspējas veicināšanai” (projekta Nr. APA/
Projekts tiek īstenots darbības programmas „Cilvēkresursi un nodarbinātība” papildinājuma apakšaktivitātes „Atbalsts nodarbināto apmācībām komersantu konkurētspējas veicināšanai – atbalsts partnerībās organizētām apmācībām” ietvaros, ievērojot līgumu Nr. L-APA-10-0019, kas noslēgts starp LEtERA un valsts aģentūru „Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra”.
Projekta norises laiks: 2011. - 2015. Gads
Projekts tiek īstenots darbības programmas „Cilvēkresursi un nodarbinātība” papildinājuma apakšaktivitātes „Atbalsts nodarbināto apmācībām komersantu konkurētspējas veicināšanai – atbalsts partnerībās organizētām apmācībām” ietvaros, ievērojot līgumu Nr. L-APA-10-0019, kas noslēgts starp LEtERA un valsts aģentūru „Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra”.
Projekta norises laiks: 2011. - 2015. Gads
April 8-12, 2013
This year we will present our Outsourcing Solutions at Hannover Messe 2013 exhibition between 8 and 12 April 2013! Welcome to Hannover for visiting us at the Latvian National Stand located in hall 4, stand 65!
March 13, 2013
SIA „Controltech on the 11th of March 2013 has signed the contract Nr. L-ĀTA-13-1342 with Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) about the implementation of the Project „Controltech ĀTA aktivitātes” cofinanced by European Regional Development Fund (ERAF).
February 26, 2013
SIA Controltech participates in Trade Mission to Germany organized by LIAA and to the "Die Zuliefermesse 2013" matchmaking event (Leipzig, Germany)
Nov 30, 2012
SIA Controltech participates in Tech Industry 2012 Matchmaking event (Riga, Latvia)
Nov 12, 2012
ControlTech in cooperation with Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) participates in Trade Mission to Finland in a Project co-financed by ES funds (12.11.2012.-16.11.2012.)
Nov 4, 2012
SIA Controltech participates in Elmia 2012 Matchmaking event (Jönköping, Sweden)
Sep 18, 2012
SIA Controltech participates in Alihankinta 2012 Matchmaking event (Tampere, Finland)